Global City Tour banner image

What is the Global City Tour?

SFPL's 2024 Global City Tour summer program is a fun, interactive addition to our SFPL Summer Passport program. SFPL Summer Passport holders can earn Global City Tour stamps by reading materials containing information on the cities included in the stamp set.

What is the SFPL Summer Passport?

SFPL's 2024 Summer Passport can be earned by summer readers of all ages by completing the recommendation bookmark found at the front desk when you visit SFPL through July 14, 2024. Find more information on our Summer Passport FAQs page

How do I get the Global City Tour stamps?

Earn your global city tour stamps by embarking on a learning journey through the library catalog!

  1. Read materials containing facts about a city on the Global City Tour list.
  2. Visit SFPL and request Global City Declaration card from an SFPL staff member
  3. Fill out a card to receive the corresponding stamp

How do I find reading materials to earn my Global City Tour stamps?

Use the links in list below to start off on your Global City Tour!

Don't forget your travel buddy: seasoned explorers know that the smartest travelers are those with a travel companion! Your grown-up can help you navigate the unknown wonders of the library catalog!

Google Map image with link to Global City Tour marked map