Read books

to your


infant, or toddler,

and participate in

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program 

Reading daily to young children, starting in infancy, can help with language acquisition and literacy skills.

This is because reading to your children in the earliest months stimulates the part of the brain that allows them to understand the meaning of language and helps build key language, literacy and social skills. -

Parent Reading to Child

Program in a Nutshell 



1. The program is FREE! You have 2 options to register: 

2. When you enroll your child in the 1,000 Books program, you get registration swag:

  • reusable book tote
  • book treats
  • instructional materials 

3. Keep tract of your reading to earn rewards

  • Take advantage of the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten ANDROID or iOS app to log reading on the go :)
  • For every 100 Books your child will earn a certificate of achievement.
  • When you make it to 500 books, your child will earn a special prize and certificate
  • Each time you read a book to your child it counts even if it is the same book repeatedly!

5. When your child reaches 1,000 books, they can choose a recognition prize: 

  • The Medal of Reading Champions!
  • The Hero Cape of Reading Superpowers!



infant on parent lap smiling with open book

Finished all the steps? Congratulations!

You did it!

You gave your child a priceless gift--- the readiness to read!

Photo of a child with a "I read 1000 books" certificate and a medal on a ribbon around their neck in a frame with the 1000 Books logo and the Spanish Fort Public Library logo



confused parent


  • Pick out books at home or at the library and start reading to your child.
  • Keep track of the books read or that a care-giver or family member might read to your child.
  • Read the same book over and over again and that book counts each time. 
  • Read in any language.
  • Storytime counts, too!  
  • Listen to an kids audiobook or read a kid friendly ebook in BOUNDLESS or Camellia Net, that counts! 


Help your child unlock the power and wonder of books! 

Kid reading in a hammock